Site Animations, Stamps and More

I am rather pleased to announce that I have shaping more of my website layout, adding fancy transitions and animations that make my website more immersive. Homepage has a new vibrant banner or should I say numerous... In its simplicity I edited multiple images of Kafka gracefully playing her violin and I couldn't pick which one to set as the background. So I kept all of them at once by making them change each time a user refreshes. I am delighted with this new ability to add multiple banners to my homepage and plan to add even more banners in the future.

My Art page layout finally got a revamp I am satisfied with. The original layout looked so mediocre looking back. I have to admit that it has served its purpose as a placeholder until I came up with a more integrated and consistent design for the page. I was thinking of some kind of featured page once I create enough pages, although I currently have no plans to add such a feature however it seems rather intriguing.

Since stamps are so flashy and stylish and everyone in the indie web community seems to use them and enjoys them. Even I have used some stamps to decorate my Spacehey profile. So I have decided to make some of my own and create a stamps collection page. As of now they are not so stylish or anything and are instead a mixture of gifs found online, animations I made myself and images I have decorated and put them on a stamp. They are organised in neat collections of my favourite subjects and characters. So far my most favourite one is my Akane Kurokawa collection as she is currently one of my favourite characters.

As for my upcoming story Vampire's Obsession, it is actively being worked on, however sadly I will have to put it on hold for a while. I just realised I got so much work to do there and while I do keep tabs open on my story writing it is the easy part as I have got plenty of ideas for the very romantic yandere adventure happening in there. I simply have no energy to proof read the story and I don't want to publish low quality chapters, and also I am a bit of perfectionist. Although I still have a plan to start publishing eventually, however the current website design I have for my story is not to my taste so I am also working on changes. My goal is to make the story reading experience more immersive and aesthetically pleasing before fully committing to publishing.

With so many ideas ideas on what to work on next it is easy to get lost in the countless sea of possibilities. Stay tuned until next time.