The Power of the Eccentric

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My praises go to the eccentric souls who stand above the masses. The ones who have the courage to resist authority and conventions to stand up for what they deem right. Even if such words come at a cost of ones reputation inside a community or society as a whole. Those are the worthy souls who do not easily let themselves be controlled by the chains of this society that binds them.

"Man is Born Free, and Everywhere He is in Chains" - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Wise words once spoken by a man who witnessed freedom denied with his own eyes. In other words man was once free in our natural state, yet modern world's chains are holding us down. The bureaucratic nightmares and the coldness of modern life has left the human soul alienated from what we truly value and know about ourselves.

It is far too easy to fall in line with the majority and obey their rule and absolute authority over the truth. With the comfort and peace of mind this offers to many it is no wonder that they would seek solace in this imprisonment where they are guaranteed survival above all else. It is not wise for them to evoke suspicion from their neighbour as it would cause them to have to defend their positions, something their mind is simply untrained to do. Such is the sickness of life in the modern society, where mind falls down to its bare instinct with little to no rational thinking.

The only true way to overcome this state of mediocrity is to seek the path of healing and self knowledge. One must look within one's heart and connected with the passions they hold in the depths of their soul right at its core. To individualise and break the chains holding our mind captive. The only force powerful enough to break such a curse is the raw strength we hold in our soul. Taking on this path isn't an easy feat by any means. One must take on self reflection and throw away the values thought to us from our youth and find what is the corrupted poison left by the masses.

The common man and the masses will cynically judge and criticise you for spreading the word of the discoveries you have made about this world. Fear not my mighty traveller among the dancing stars. Such words coming from their creepeth mouths do not hold any intellectual weight whatsoever and can be dismissed as mere nonsense. These are the prejudices the herd morality set forth from their envy of the superior mind's ability to deconstruct their dogmas, strip them naked and dissect them piece by piece as the herd watched in shock. Their wrath growing stronger for what they have been thought by their parents and what their parent's have been thought by their parents respectively has been put into questioning and there is a possibility of it being merely a falsehood.

Overcoming the fear of standing out ingrained inside of us from childhood is the first step towards achieving greatness and escaping from the falsehoods thought by the education system that poised young minds for millennia. Inside a free mind there lies liberty to explore our individual identity and make what we want of ourselves. The power lies within our own hands and is of a higher order than merely following the conventions that are imposed onto us. That is the power of the eccentric that is its ultimate manifestation.