Discussions on what is my website about

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Ever since I launched this project last month I was excitedly working on this website and pushed more code on this place. Being the biggest art project I have ever started, this website is more than merely just a place for me to post my art. It is a show of how I will evolve thought the years and change as an artist.


It all started one evening few years on one of my walks inside a forest... I was pondering on how should my stories and art be published. I didn't feel like going through the whole publishing process to get them in the libraries because I wanted to escape from the censorship of the publishing industry and wanted to take more artistic liberties with how I express myself. Luckily in today's day and age I have the internet where I can just do that. My main fascination was always the misunderstood artist/philosopher whose works the simpleminded majority frankly doesn't get. I feel such a sentiment that in this world I find myself in, my works are not meant to please the common man, rather they are expressions of a mind ahead of their time. My works offer a great solace and inspiration to the ones who open their hearts, minds and souls to hear what I have to communicate.

One of such messages I want to portray is the wonderful art of obsessive love some would call it delusional, or twisted, but one fact remains; it is the most misunderstood form of love known to the human soul. Individuals such as myself who have the capacity to express love beyond mere societal conventions are being treated as "psychos" by the closed minded public who actively stigmatises any expressions of such a type of love. Those are the woes of souls who will never be loved. Some have labelled it with the term "yandere" to describe the manifestation of this love form, I certainly accept and embrace this term myself. In my eyes of a soul who has indulged in a Nietzsche-an re-evaluation of all values I have questioned what love truly is, does it even exist in this world? I have found my answer, if love were to truly exist inside of this cruel and twisted world, than it must be inside the dark obsession's of a yandere. The purest and most romantic form of love to ever exist. To be fully consumed with the thoughts of the one you love, to sacrifice yourself for them, to crave them above all, more than than the air we breathe that is the truest form of love I have discovered, as such I seek to portray it's form inside of my art.

Apologies for getting too ahead of myself, I will be discussing yandere a whole lot in the upcoming posts so stay tuned. Apart from love I will be also exploring more experimental themes inside of my artworks. This yet vague concept is referring towards more philosophical themes of existentialism, avant-garde, and paganism. I will be discussing more of my visions of my own philosophy in the upcoming posts.

Regarding my website itself I have nagging feeling like it is currently lacking something crucial; however I just cannot grasp my finger on what is missing. The layout is to my liking although it may not the be the most creative layout out there, however I have found some appeal inside its simplicity to navigate which satisfies my ego... for now at least. My current Art page has links to other works I have made and although it is visually working I feel like it is not the best it could be.

I have made attempts to make up for this lack I have felt by styling each of my written works such as poetry and my written novel into its own website with independent styling and a theme that goes alongside the subject at hand and the emotion I would like to evoke inside the reader. You could argue that the poem is not merely inside the text but the format in which it is presented and I have just taken advantage of that fact to create a unique poem reading experience.

A year from now....

What lies ahead for the future of my website? I have plans on further improving the layout design of my website and working more on my art so I can post it here. Ever since I have fully committed to this project I have been feeling more motivated to actually make more art and express myself. Hopefully this can be come my creative outlet some day. So I will make more art and post on here and hopefully I can spread my message around the world, and souls who choose to listen to my message will become more enlightened with the words I have spoken to them and become free from the chains of this society.