A hundred nights have passed, a hundred dawns have risen, and a hundred sunsets have gracefully descended since the birth of my website.
My vision for the future had evolved and shifted into new horizons during the experimental time since its launch earlier this May. A third of a year had passed and I have since realised that I would like to post my own philosophical thoughts on here as well. To have my own place to express my own thoughts, sort of an independent philosophical journal on which I shall work through my realisations on the nature of the world in which I exist, my reflections on life, metaphysical, ethical and aesthetic problems I wish to get a greater grasp on.
Alongside my philosophies I shall also express my deep passions for storytelling, although finding creativity in recent times had been rather challenging, however I shall make my greatest attempts at writing short stories and post them on the website as soon as I gather enough creative energies to put together the sparse ideas and narratives floating around in the most obscure places of my mind, a force of my will that can connect them into one symbolic whole.
Having noticed my need to get adjusted to this format of expression, the possibilities that I am yet to realize in the upcoming years, I am only left to ponder. In these one hundred days I have gotten more used to expressing myself in this new medium, however due to its potential and creative nature my mind will take time and effort to fully get a grasp on the various possibilities that lay hidden in front of me they only exist in the future, and in the present I discover the future.
As a philosopher living in the modern age, I am burdened with so much stimulation that it becomes difficult to understand which topic I should give most attention to at a moment. My mind being ruthlessly torn from every side that I lose myself in the over-stimulation and end up being paralysed without knowing what to do next. Such is a life in the digital age. A double-edged sword that pierces through our hearts. It is certainly my goal to make great attempts as anyone in my position should to write and self-reflect and to remove myself from the noise that plagues modern life.
With the last couple of thoughts this short post should have illustrated what has come of this website so far. It is very much still in its infancy for the most part. A youthful website brimming with potential, still as unripe as the green fruit clinging to the tree. There is joy in the possibilities to imagine what a lack of clear structure allows. As organically a fresh structure emerges and matures the website, a future of possibilities opens.